Hello from the great state of Michigan US

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Hello from the great state of Michigan US

Post by w8dod »

Hello this is W8DOD. My name is Mitchell I'm here in Michigan I do a lot of public safety support as well as a technical adviser and supporting a large repeater system in California and I'm starting to play with DMR and I'm looking at a control surface for one of our units instead of getting up and moving all the way across the van to change the radio if there's a way to change it with the computer nice to meet you all and I look forward to learning a bunch
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Re: Hello from the great state of Michigan US

Post by Administrator »

Hi Mitchell,


"Control Surface" - I'm not sure what that is exactly - but it sounds like a test app we have - XcmpXnl.exe.
It's a windows based app - I call it a Remote Radio Head (or Front Panel Emulator)...

http://www.transtrbo.com/files/XcmpXnlR ... nl1102.zip

This will extract to XcmpXnl1102.exe which is version - it require the Radio to be connected to the USB on the local PC.

Give it a try - I also have another Server based App that will run across a Network this one has Command/Control + remote audio to/from up to 8 x USB connected Radios.
Info Link: http://www.transtrbo.com/forums/viewforum.php?f=46

Will & Phill
Geriatrics Generate Methane.
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Re: Hello from the great state of Michigan US

Post by Administrator »

Hi w8dod,
Thanks for the donation - it helps pay for this server! :D

Will Beattie

FYI: I'm currently working on a download page - where the apps we are allowed to distribute will be available.
Geriatrics Generate Methane.
Grafitti Clifton Hill 1974
Living proof 2021
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